Adding the right combination of power of attorney documents to your estate plan can help cover all the necessary bases where a will might not suffice. Being appointed as an agent or “attorney-in-fact” under a power of attorney is an important responsibility that comes with legal and ethical obligations. Whether you are acting as an agent for a family member, friend, or client, understanding your role and diligently Read More
Launching Your Business: Tips For Successful Startups
Starting your own business is an exciting venture, filled with endless possibilities and opportunities for growth. However, before you dive into the world of entrepreneurship, you need to have a solid understanding of the legal considerations involved in business formation. There are a number of DIY services out there that claim that it’s as simple as paying a fee and starting on your way, but there is so much more Read More
Unpacking Civil Litigation for Businesses
Running your own business has a lot of inherent rewards. You can set your own hours, create your own policies, and have tangible proof of all of your hard work. Unfortunately, with all those highs come potential lows. Legal disputes can pop up unexpectedly and pose significant challenges for companies that are not prepared for the inevitable complications. Although it can be stressful, you can get ahead of potential Read More
Boundary Disputes: Avoidable Miscommunication or Inevitable Headache?
Anyone who owns real estate needs to legally and emotionally prepare for potential boundary disputes and how they can impact your life, estate, and potential liability. Boundary disputes can happen for many reasons, including unclear property lines, uncooperative neighbors, and adverse possession claims. If you’re still new to property disputes, this blog post will help you understand how they happen, what they mean, Read More
Including Your Business Obligations in Your Estate Plan
As a business owner, partner, or shareholder, you have spent a considerable amount of time ensuring that your business is profitable and has ample potential for growth. However, have you given enough consideration to how the business will (or won’t) run without you in the event of your passing or incapacitation? There are many estate planning tools that will enable you to ensure business can resume as usual, and your Read More
Tips For Establishing a Business With Friends or Family
As an entrepreneur, you likely surround yourself with interesting and equally innovative individuals who are excited at the prospect of a new business venture. However, there are several considerations to make since money tends to complicate even the closest of relationships. To preserve your friendships and future family reunions, there are simple steps you can take to avoid potential legal disputes. Business Read More
Transferring Ownership of Manufactured Homes
A simple bill of sale or agreement, even if in writing, will not be sufficient to transfer the title of ownership of a manufactured home. The Manufactured Housing Division of The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (“TDHCA”) regulates the manufactured housing industry in Texas, and TDHCA has its own requirements and forms that must be used. Clearing titles to manufactured homes can be a lengthy, and Read More
How Texas Homestead Laws Can Protect Your Inheritance
When your parent or spouse dies unexpectedly, the last thing you want to have to worry about is losing a home. Whether it’s your childhood home full of memories, or a newer property that has a mortgage, the Texas constitution has homestead protections to keep your inheritance safe and homes out of the hands of creditors. Depending on the types of liabilities your spouse or parents may have had, this law may be able Read More
Statute of Frauds in Real Estate Transactions
Chances are that you’ve completed a lot of informal transactions. Your friend offers to sell you their old car because your daughter just passed her driver’s test, so you shake hands on it. You may have also sold items on craigslist after a brief conversation over the phone. They meet you, money is exchanged, and that’s it. While oral contracts are generally enforceable, there are exceptions, especially where real Read More
Deeds – Importance of Having Appropriate Documentation
There are few things in life that are more exciting than purchasing a new piece of real estate. Whether it is a new home, a new business property, a new piece of vacation land, or anything else, it is critical that you do everything you can to ensure the purchase works out well for you. Unfortunately, many people let the excitement of the process cause them to lose focus and fail to do the necessary due diligence, Read More